Feel good snacks, the first step towards a healthier me!

Cherished for its sugary taste, nutritional value and wide range of uses including cosmetic and medicinal, there are few things sweeter than honey. Don’t let honey’s high fructose and glucose content fool you – you may be surprised to learn that honey is a powerful superfood, having been revered for its healing and nutritional properties throughout history.
It may be puzzling to some why Amaranth, one of the oldest cultivated plants on the planet, has been referred to as “the grain of the 21st century.” This ancient grain has a long history of nourishing people - nearly 5,000 years! While it had been revered by the Aztec and Inca tribes for its high nutrition content and great taste, it was met with a slightly cooler . . .
Although millet is most often associated as the main ingredient in bird seed, one of the world's healthiest foods is not just for our feathered friends. Creamy like mashed potatoes or fluffy like rice, millet is a delicious grain often overshadowed by . . .
Quinoa is a great source of protein and healthy fatty acids, not to mention a slew of vitamins and minerals. This superfood is beloved by health enthusiasts and foodies alike since, along with its high nutrition content, it offers a delightfully sweet and nutty taste . . .
Do you dream about providing your body with energy and improving the appearance of your skin at the same time? We have a solution for you. Include buckwheat in your diet. It will make your skin look healthier, and at the same time you will provide your body with everything that is most important for its proper functioning. Buckwheat not only tastes delicious, but also prevents many diseases and ailments . . .
When we are feeling hungry during the day, we reach for "quick" snacks filled with empty calories without thinking. While . . .
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